today, i had to starve myself until around 11:00am. christina at dr. elizabeth stein's office gave me a bottle of straight up glucose drink for my 4-hour test. this is to test me for gestational diabetes. i had previously taken a 1-hour blood test, but the levels were so "iffy" she wanted me to take the more intense test. she said, take this an hour before they take your blood. so i left work at 10:00am and drank the beverage. (it tastes like straight up syrup from the Hi-C orange fountain soda from McD's). i went to the lab place, and i basically fought with the blood taker/receptionist saying that i was instructed to take the drink an hour before. apparently i was supposed to take it THERE and sit there for 4 hours until they took my blood. i think i was trying to save time to where i didn't have to be away from the office too long. so they sent me back and told me to come back the next day to drink that mess again. so all i was for that day was extremely wired on pure sugar, only to have a major sugar meltdown crash.
so i went in the next day and did it again. drank it. and i had to be there for 4 HOURS! they took my blood about 4-6 times, and had to pee in a cup that many times. i was like... I DON'T HAVE ANY MORE PEE IN ME after the first two times going to the bathroom. somehow i managed to get the job done. i am also not good with needles, so it was awful. i tried to keep distracted by talking to the blood-taker, but she wasn't a talking type person, so i had to look around the room and grit my teeth when the needle went in and the vials were filled with my life juice.
by the time i was done with that mess of bodily fluids i left and went to go get something to eat. i went to We Liang Ye on the upper east side on 86th street. i ordered and pretty much was shaking since i didn't have any food and i had had so much blood taken out of me. it was pretty sad seeing me try to eat my first course of soup and spring roll with my arm shaking like a leaf. i decided to reward myself by going to pinkberry. a delightful frozen yogurt place where you can have fresh fruit toppings (among other toppings) on real frozen yogurt- and it actually tasted kinda tangy like yogurt! quite refreshing for a hot, food depraved, almost passing out day.